Care Coordination

Gaps in Care Confuse.
Care Coordination Course Corrects

Patients and their families can experience gaps in care, particularly during transition periods from one care setting to another or following hospital discharge. Prime issues that contribute to gaps in coverage include: 

Caregiving is rewarding because you’re on caring watch for your loved one. But as a caregiver, if you are unprepared, you will likely end up confused, overwhelmed and perhaps even harboring resentment.  Clients perceive failures when unreasonable levels of effort are required of them or their informal caregivers to meet care needs, again particularly during transitions among health care entities and entertain resentment themselves. 

Care coordination involves deliberately organizing patient care activities and sharing information among all participants with a patient’s care to achieve safer and more effective care. It anticipates potential gaps in meeting clients’ interrelated medical, social, developmental, behavioral, educational, and informal support systems and synchronizes the delivery of a client’s health care from multiple providers and specialists.

Call us and experience the support of a team that will attend to your emotional needs during transitional care. We’ll help minimize negative experiences and better position you to support your loved ones.Make me your first call.

Make me your first call.
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